Sunday, March 1, 2015 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

Grow your Own Veggies at home - in an autopot

Currently growing in coconut fibre in an autopot,, tomatoes, one pepper, basil and a chinese cabbage.  The tall green object is the  resevoir and holds hydroponic nutrient and the autopot tray has a valve that regulates the flow - just set and forget once you plant.  Check out from time to time to make sure everything is going fine and nutrient is flowing to the plants and still plenty in the resevoir.  

Monday, January 26, 2015 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

Microgreens -Fiji Feathers

Fiji Feathers ....Microgreens growing in a takeaway container with holes made for drainage.   Cut when a couple of inches high and leave to grow again for second picking. 

One Day's Harvesting and this is what was left after I picked last night !

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Monday, June 18, 2012 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

The Best Reason to Grow Your Own Veggies - Fresh organic smoothies

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One of the best reasons to grow your own veggies - freshly picked spinach, organic limes make a healthy and delicious smoothie with water and a small amount of sugar - use Kale or silverbeet if you have it or all three for a healthy boost to your day 
Sunday, March 11, 2012 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

Home Grown Organic Veggies

Grow your own Silver Beet  - pretty easy, pop the seeds into seed raising mix then transplant into soil with  compost added  - best homegrown but OK to buy if you don't have your own and voila - your own greens with minimum effort 
Hay Garden  in its first season, produced beans, rhubarb, zucchinis by the mile, herbs, silver been, strawberries, lettuce and potatoes 
The second garden build on newspapers and hay has produced all summer, a mix of herbs, flowers and veggies, notice the recycled drawers in the front - these have produced  a constant supply of lettuces and spring onions all summer 
Mixed garden - this is the most sheltered section with herbs, bromeliads ( there to keep sheltered) silverbeet and a lemon tree 
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Friday, January 6, 2012 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

No Dig Hay Garden on Newspaper

Hay garden on newspaper, rhubarb in the front left, nettles at the back, spinach and silverbeet (young) and Zucchini on the right hand side.  

Organic Heirloom tomatoes - same no dig principle

Another no dig garden on newspaper with hay to start it off 

Idyllic spot to garden ?  Tranquil and serene - looks it now but when the winds blow even the fleece on the sheeps back almost blows away !

Newly cut stack of coriander, harvested for the seeds

Side garden with mix of flowers, herbs and plants

Herbs, flowers and lettuce grown in tubs and pots

Absolutely Gi- normous Rhubarb leaves as large as Gunnera leaves !  We had some of these stalks and even 3 lasted us for days !
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