Saturday, March 6, 2010 By: Internet Fusion

Crisp Organically Grown Lettuce

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Do you have a hankering for crisp tasty lettuce

Grow healthy, crisp lettuce quickly and easily and stop buying  limp tasteless lettuce in the shops
Lettuce should be the easiest crop to grow for a beginner - it can be grown in containers, in pots on a window sill or outside in the garden with excellent results.  Growing sit in compost, mulch or a hay garden will ensure your lettuce will be practically dripping with healthy goodness and taste.

Lettuce Growing Tips 
Start with good seed -  if you have a lettuce you really like, let one go to seed and save the seed for next year
Don't sow lettuce too deeply it is only a tiny  seed  the general rule is to cover it with soil the dept of the seed  
Remember, the  quicker and faster you grow lettuce  the more tender it will be 
Quickly grown lettuce has no bitter taste like some bought lettuce 
Water often to keep it growing 
Use  liquid manure or a herb "tea" like comfrey to help growth 
If you are bothered with snails, crush up egg  shells, or scatter ashes or sawdust around the lettuce  or something that will make it difficult and deter snails.  If you have a lot of snails you may want to put out a saucer of beer ( stale is fine too ) by the lettuce -  put it on a level with the soil and they will drop in and drown.
If you have zillions of snails, get a duck or guinea fowl - they will demolish the snail population super fast. 

Before you get your seed, decide whether you prefer something crisp an crunch, soft and tender, but whatever you decide, fresh is best.  You can't make a great salad with some limp and tasteless greens - even our hens shun  bought lettuce and are wise enough to just walk off and leave it.


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