These tomatoes were grown from seed raised in my caravan "greenhouse" and potted on to an outdoor hydroponic system called a hydropot. They have sat happily on the deck until just recently and the tomatoes were thriving until just recently when we have had high winds and some frosts so we have had to harvest them and bring them in before they were anywhere near ready. Still, we are pretty pleased to be harvesting tomatoes in mid winter here but next time will grow them totally under cover so we can grow them right through to the end of their cycle. The frost cloth has protected them for most of the bad weather but if you look carefully you can see the odd brown "patches" where the stakes that supported the frost cloth have leaned against the fruit.
These are an heirloom variety called German Green and look great on the plate and I have used them for tomato soup too after you get used to the fact that tomato soup doesn't need to be red they are delicious.
We have consumed some for tea tonight :)
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