Saturday, July 31, 2010 By: Internet Fusion

Sowing Seeds - how to sow your own seeds

Sowing seeds from scratch is one of the easiest and most enjoyable parts of gardening so long as they all grow :)   Growing your own plants from seeds is simple and your chances of high germination can be even higher by following some of the tips below to help you get it right and  get higher strike rates.

Use good quality seed raising mix.  
Do not buy potting mix and think it will do as it doesn't have all the nutrients that seeds need to germinate successfully.  Sift your seed raising mix to remove all the loose bits and gently pat down in the seed  tray 
Find something  large enough to immerse your seed tray in - here we have used a wheel barrow but anything suitable will do.  The reason for soaking is to make sure the water is distributed evenly throughout the seed tray and there are no dry patches that may cause uneven germinating

Leave to soak until the seed tray is saturated with water and is evenly moist

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I have used our local seed raising mix but any will do if it is suitable for raising seeds Just make sure you do not use potting mix or ordinary garden soil  either as it will not be as free draining and seeds will have a job coming up through it.

Seed Sowing and Saving: Step-by-Step Techniques for Collecting and Growing More Than 100 Vegetables, Flowers, and Herbs (Storey's Gardening Skills Illustrated) Saving Seeds: The Gardener's Guide to Growing and Storing Vegetable and Flower Seeds (A Down-to-Earth Gardening Book) From Seed to Plate: Growing to Eat Italian Style


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