Thursday, August 5, 2010 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

Heirloom Tomatoes grown from seed

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These tomatoes were grown from seed raised in my caravan "greenhouse" and potted on to an outdoor hydroponic system called a hydropot.  They have  sat happily on the deck until just recently and the tomatoes were thriving until just recently when we have had high winds and some frosts so we have had to harvest them and bring them in before they were anywhere near ready. Still, we are pretty pleased to be harvesting tomatoes in mid winter here but next time will grow them totally under cover so we can grow them right through to the end of their cycle.  The frost cloth has protected them for most of the bad weather but if you look carefully you can see the odd brown "patches" where the stakes that supported the frost cloth have leaned against the fruit.
 These are an heirloom variety called  German Green and look great on the plate and I have used them for tomato soup too after you get used to the fact that tomato soup doesn't need to be red they are delicious.
We have consumed some for tea tonight :)
 Tomatoes Rainbow's End Heirloom Seeds 55 Seeds Black Sea Man Tomato 10 Seeds - Heirloom

Grow Your Own Carrots

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Grow your own carrots at home easily.  Carrots can be grown anywhere.  You don't even need a garden to grow them as long as the container is deep enough to have room for the roots to grow.  If you only have shorter containers then choose stump rooted carrots.   The ones above are carrots my sister is growing in a box.  If you have compost available use this, but don't use fresh animal manure or too rich a soil or mix or your carrots will fork and form multiple roots so if you are sowing them in the open ground then best to sow after a previous crop.
Carrots are very nourishing and health giving and the benefits are multiplied by growing them organically.
Carrots are fantastic for carrot cakes too :)
Carrots Love Tomatoes: Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening Carrot Baby Little Fingers Heirloom Seeds 400 Seeds Organic Carnival Blend Carrot Seeds - 1 gramHeirloom Carrot Seeds Tonda Di Parigi 200 Seeds
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

Seeds Are Up

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Seeds emerging and poking through the seed raising mix. See how easy it is to grow your own vegetables from seed and watch how they come up at different stages and times.  These have not been watered at all since soaking the seed tray and sowing the seeds.

Grow Your Own Vegetables: How to Grow, What to Grow, When to Grow (Green Guides Series) Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Own Organic Vegetables One Man, One Cow, One Planet

Sunday, August 1, 2010 0 comments By: Internet Fusion

Raising seeds

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Seeds come in all different sizes, some are weensy, some are huge
Start off with something for the kitchen that is easy to grow like herbs,cherry tomatoes, zucchini   or something you can use and enjoy that doesn't have a long growing season and you can get results quite quickly. 
Large Leaf Italian Basil Heirloom Seeds Cilantro Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds 200 Seeds Cherry Tomato Sugar Sweetie Certified Organic Seeds 60 Seeds Parsley Italian Flat Leaf Certified Organic Seeds Summer Squash Black Beauty Zucchini Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds 25 Seeds Container Lettuce Seeds - Garden Babies Butterhead - Renee's Garden