Friday, September 9, 2011 By: Internet Fusion

How to Grow Herbs From Seed - only got a small space ? No problem

Parsley from seed in the background, Betony in the left hand side and seeds sown in the rows in a small home garden bed. 
Ever buy herbs  that are lush looking, brilliant green and absolutely tasteless ?  Need to travel miles to pick up that essential herb for your cooking and find the rest of the bunch wilts almost immediately ?

If you cook you need to get your hands on fresh herbs, the fresher the better and growing your own herbs from seeds is so easy and you will get such a buzz out of using your own freshly picked herbs and you can have an ever increasing supply that will never die out on your kitchen bench.

If you want to know how to grow herbs in small spaces click here 

Its pretty easy. You can grow your herbs in  the ground or in pots.  If you choose pots just add drainage in the bottom using old broken up bricks, old broken pieces of flower pots, stones then fill up the pot with potting mix.  Do not use garden soil if you can help it or you will get a big mud pie when it dries out and your herbs will die.   If you have light, loose soil with lots of aeration you might be able to get away with it but why make things harder for yourself ?

If in the ground, prepare your ground first before you get your herb seeds.  The garden in this photo has already been prepared and used for other crops so the soil is nice and airy.  Herbs usually like the heat and like well drained soil.  If you have only a small space or even a tiny space you can still grow herbs, just a tiny patch is all you need to get started.
Use fresh seed - if its old it may not germinate.   Use seed raising mix as it is especially designed to help seeds germinate and it is looser which is why garden soil may not be the best thing to use. I put sawdust or something similar on top but this is normally only to mark the rows so not necessary.

Basically keep them damp and wait for the results, herb scissors at the ready - it really is that simple.
More info on growing your own herbs from seed here 


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